We/make a snowman/now (+), My mum/plant flowers/in spring (+), I/play outside/now (-), They/ have a picnic/ in summer (?), He/like swimming/ every day (-), We/like going to the beach/ in summer (?), Dima/wear a blue t-shirt and jeans/ today (+), Arisha/ wear dresses/ usually (+), Children/ fly a kite/ in winter (-), Look! The cat/ run outside (+), You/ skate/at the moment (?), She/ ski/ every winter (?), Slava/ climb a mountain/ now (-), it/ rain/today (-), He/ visit his grandma/ often (?), Dima/ hate/ sing songs/ now (+), We/ understand/ the lesson/ today (-), You/ think about this film/ what (?), They/ want to buy/ a new phone/ today (+), Masha/need a new tablet/now (-).

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