Artery - A tube in your body that carries oxygenated blood from your heart to the rest of your body., Atrium - The part of the heart that receives blood from the veins., Blood vessels  - Narrow tubes that your blood flows through., Carbon dioxide - A gas produced by animals and people breathing out., Circulatory system - The system responsible for circulating blood through the body, that supplies nutrients and oxygen to the body and removes waste products such as carbon dioxide., Deoxygented - Blood that does not contain oxygen., Heart - The organ in your body that pumps blood around the body., Lungs - Two organs in your chest which fill with air when you breathe in. They oxygenate the blood and remove carbon dioxide from it., Nutrients - Substances that help animals and plants grow., Organ - A part of the body that has a particular purpose and performs specific functions., Oxygen - A colourless gas that plants and animals need to survive., Oxygenated - Blood that contains oxygen., Pulse - The regular beating of blood through your body. How fast or slow your pulse rate is depends on how active you are., Respiration - Inhaling oxygen-rich air and exhaling  air filled with carbon dioxide., Veins - Tubes in your body that carry deoxygenated blood to your heart from the rest of your body., Ventricle - The part of the heart from which blood passes into the arteries.,

Year 6 Animals Including Humans - Key Vocabulary

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