a, e, i, o, u, ch, sh, th, ph, wh, a - He plays with a ball., am - I am 7 years old., an - I ate an apple., and - Blue and yellow makes green., at - I am at school., can - I can read books., do - I can do my homework., go - I go to the beach., he - He likes to play at the park., I - I am in second grade., in - My dad is in the kitchen., is - It is a rainy day., it - It is a sunny day., like - I like ice cream., me - My mom made dinner for me., my - My friends are kind., no - I have no one to play with., on - The pencil is on the book., see - I see a bird., so - Tie your shoes so you don't trip., the - The kids are playing., to - I go to the store., up - My mom will pick me up., we - We are good learners., you - You are a super star!, -er - suffix -er, -ing - ring,

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