1) I'd like to travel there ... a) myself b) himself 2) He couldn't do it ..., so he asked us to help him. a) myself b) himself 3) It's very important to try to understand the rule ... a) yourselves b) herself 4) She was unable to see ... in the mirror, as it was too dark in the room. a) himself b) herself c) itself 5) "It's too late to blame ...," said the teacher. a) itself b) yourself 6) They are too small to do the task by ... a) themselves b) ourselves c) yourselves 7) The dog managed to get out of the hole by ... a) itself b) herself c) himself 8) The fog was so dense that we lost ... in the field. a) ourselves b) yourselves c) themselves 9) I will make ... a try. a) ourselves b) myself 10) The noise was so loud that I couldn't hear ... a) myself b) herself c) himself d) itself

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