1. READING & PLANNING: Read the task carefully., Read the German text and highlight relevant information., Highlight the addressee and his/her focus of interest., Find out the required text form (e.g. e-mail; article; speech). , Highlight culture-specific terms that need to be explained., What kind of language (style/register) are you supposed to use? (e.g. short forms), Put the underlined information in a useful order (chronological; topical/logical)., 2. WRITING: Paraphrase complex ideas and difficult terms., Summarise the relevant information., Explain culture-specific terms., Report objectively. Do not add personal comments (unless required otherwise)., Use a dictionary, but don't overuse it., Do not translate the text. , 3. EDITING: Proofread your text. Use a dictionary to spot mistakes., Check the structure and content of your text., Does your text really meet your addressee's needs?,

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