Biodegradable - When a material is able to be broken down by microorganisms into essential elements such as water and carbon dioxide., Ecosystem - Self sufficient environment made of biological and physical characteristics., E-waste - Electronic components including computers, monitors, keyboards, mice, TVs, etc that contain harmful substances. Usually they can be disassembled to be recycled., Going green - Taking steps to recycle, conserve energy and reduce pollution in our communities, Nonrenewable resource - Natural resources that are considered finite, such as copper, coal and petroleum., Renewable energy - Alternative forms of energy using natural resources such as wind, water (hydropower) and sun., Solid waste - This can include trash, garbage, industrial waste, construction waste and household items thrown away, such as furniture and appliances, Fossil fuels - Deposits of natural gas, coal and oil that take a long time to develop in the environment., Decompose - Break down into its component parts or essential elements; to rot. Decomposition is a vital organic process needed to continue life as it creates nutrients that plants and animals need to live., Garbage - Waste food that is thrown away; does not include dry trash.,

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