Adaptation - Changes made by evolution to help an organism survive in its habitat, Air Spaces - Gaps in middle of leaf which allow gases to diffuse in and out of the leaf, Carbohydrate - Chemical made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Needed for energy. Essential part of a balanced diet, Chlorophyll - Green chemical found in chloroplast and is needed for photosynthesis, Diffusion - Movement of particles from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration, Glucose - Sugar made by photosynthesis (C6H12O6), Iodine - Stain used to see nuclei in plant cells under a microscope, Magnesium - Mineral needed for chlorophyll to carry out photosynthesis, Nitrogen - Mineral needed for healthy growth, found in nitrates., Palisade Cell - Found in leaves, tall cell with lots of chloroplasts for photosynthesis., Photosynthesis - Chemical reaction which occurs in the chloroplast of cells producing sugars and oxygen from carbon dioxide, water and the energy of the sun, Respiration - Chemical reaction which occurs in the mitochondria of cells producing energy and carbon dioxide from sugar and oxygen, Root hair cell - Plant cell with very big surface area designed to absorb water and minerals from the ground, Stoma - Hole in bottom layer of leaf which allows gases to diffuse in and out of cell., Phloem - Cells which act like a tube to transport sugar from the leaves to the rest of the plant, Xylem - Cells which act like a tube to transport water (with minerals dissolved in) from the roots to the leaves,

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