Addiction - Relying on a drug to avoid withdrawal symptoms , Antibiotic - Medicine which directly combats bacteria, Bacteria - Micro-organism which causes decay and rotting, helps digestion and can cause disease., Salmonella - Bacteria which causes food poisoning, Fungi - Micro-organism, for example Yeast and Mushroom. Can cause disease such as athlete's foot, Ciliated Epithelial cell - Cell with tiny hairs (cilia) found in throat and nose which pushes mucus out of the body., Balanced Diet - Eating a range of food types , Pathogen - A micro-organism which causes disease, Phagocyte - White blood cell with ingests (feeds) pathogens in the blood, Vaccination - Injection of a small amount of virus which allows the body to be ready to fight the virus , Virus - Smallest of the micro-organisms causes diseases such as: HIV, ebola, polio, cold and flu (influenza), Withdrawal - Feeling unwell due to a lack of addictive drugs, Fat - Part of balanced diet, which provides energy and insulation, Carbohydrate - Part of balanced diet, which provides energy, Fibre - Part of balanced diet, which helps with digestion, Vitamins & Minerals - Part of balanced diet, which helps to keep you healthy, Protein - Part of balanced diet, needed for growth and repair of cells,

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