Expressing love and affection, idealist - ROMANTIC, Deliberately impolite and agressive - RUDE, Very ironical and having an acid sense of humor - SARCASTIC, Genuine, free from hypocrisy - SINCERE, Friendly and good with people - SOCIABLE, Someone who does not care about other people's feelings - INCONSIDERATE, Not deserving of trust, willing to lie and cheat - DISHONEST, A nice person who gets along with everyone - EASYGOING, Considering yourself the center of everything - EGOCENTRIC, Having a good perception of people's feelings and intentions - INTUITIVE, Not capable or willing to take up any responsibility - IRRESPONSIBLE, Temperamental, unstable - MOODY, Someone who puts other people's needs ahead of his own, unselfish - GENEROUS, Not receptive to new ideas having a closed mind - NARROW-MINDED, Having a great desire for money, profic, sometimes even food and drink - GREEDY, Fun and entertaining - AMUSING, Having a pretentious sense of superiority - ARROGANT, Authoritative, having the habit of ordering people around - BOSSY, Smart intelligent - BRIGHT, Pleasing, fun to be with - CHARMING, Warm, affectionate, caring - LOVING, Having, showing good sense and good judgment - SENSIBLE, Someone who is perceptive of people's feelings - SENSITIVE, Inclined to always take a positive view in any event - OPTIMISTIC, Having intense, strong feelings about someone or something - PASSIONATE, Someone who can be trusted - RELIABLE, Willing to assist, useful - HELPFUL, Silly, behaving like a child,made for children - CHILDISH, Creative, full of ideas - IMAGINATIVE, Someone who acts before thinking - IMPULSIVE, Showing concern about other people's feelings - CONSIDERATE, Lacking courage and/or principles - COWARDLY,

Personality traits - CNA preadv 1

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