Nice to meet you, Where is my car, My dog's name is Charlie, Go to bed, I want to swim in the swimming pool, There is a shark in the ocean, The bird flew high in the sky, My mother is a nice lady, Who is your brother, My favorite holiday is the Fourth of July, Can you help me please, I like to watch videos on YouTube, The man caught the seagull, Pink is my favorite color, The flowers grew in the garden, Elephants are grey, I have an orange car, I look at myself in the mirror, I made a cake on my birthday, I take a walk with my dog every day, It rains in the spring, The bird ate a worm, Baby ducks are cute, I fell down and scraped my knee, Nice to meet you, I like to drink orange juice, How many months are in a year, Who is your sister, My house is green, The duck sat in the pond, I need to plug in my computer, I am having chicken nuggets for lunch, The whale swam in a circle, Tomatoes are red, I bought a bunch of bananas, The grocery store was busy today, Bees pollinate flowers in the garden, How old is your little sister, Can you tell me how to get to the store, What is your middle name, I like it, Don't get stung by the bee, Are you allergic to peanuts, There is a baby bird in the nest, I lost a tooth, He is learning how to fly, The airplane is big, I saw a tiger at the zoo, My favorite movie is The Wizard of Oz, Let's go to the mall,

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