1) Electricity produce these energies. a) Heat, light, sound, and kinetic b) Heat and light energy only c) Sound, hydropower, and wind 2) This produce heat energy. a) b) c) d) e) f) 3) A battery-operated small appliance a) b) c) d) e) 4) An appliance powered by the main electricity that produces movement or kinetic energy. a) b) c) d) e) f) 5) Other word for battery a) dry cell b) wet cell c) old cell d) new cell 6) This produces heat and light energy. a) a lamp b) a radio c) an airconditioner d) a battery e) a mic f) a doorknob 7) Electricity is used in an _____________to absorb and remove dust and dirt. a) electric fan b) electric vacuum c) electric watch d) electric toaster e) electric bike 8) A battery has positive and __________ terminals. a) plus b) minus c) division d) negative 9) Other word for movement energy. a) kinetic energy b) potential energy c) sound energy d) gravitational energy e) heat energy f) light energy 10) Which of the following produces heat, light, and sound energy. a) b) c) d) e) f)

Electricity G3


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