Sarah isn't making her own wedding dress, she's ... by a designer in Italy. - Sarah isn't making her own wedding dress, she's having it made by a designer in Italy., He didn't fix his car himself, he ... at the garage. - He didn't fix his car himself, he had it fixed at the garage., Your hair is too long. You need to ... - Your hair is too long. You need to have it cut., If you can't see properly, you should ... - If you can't see properly, you should have your eyes tested., They won’t paint the kitchen themselves. They ... - They won’t paint the kitchen themselves. They will have it painted., My car looks dirty. I must ... - My car looks dirty. I must have it washed., Janet hasn’t decorated her flat herself. She has ... by a professional company. - Janet hasn’t decorated her flat herself. She has had it decorated by a professional company., We don’t clean our office. We ... every evening. - We don’t clean our office. We have it cleaned every evening., I didn’t take this photo. I ... by someone else. - I didn’t take this photo. I had it taken by someone else., She hasn’t broken the window herself. She ... - She hasn’t broken the window herself. She has had it broken.,

New Horizons - B1+ - Grammar - Lesson 16 - Practice 1

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