Non-defining relative clauses : the game encourages a creative approach which is rarely found in classes on this subject, they experience a dangerous world where there are zombies around every corner, She has classmates whose feelings are less positive, New approaches that allow students to be more focused are useful, An important thing which young people in the twenty-first century need to be able to do is solve problems, The part of body where you proces thoughts becomes stronger with exercise, just like your ams and legs, Defining relative clauses : Gilbert Newson, who is a teacher at the school, thinks this is just the start, My sister, who is a teacher, made a delicious cake !, Next to the place, where we first have met, there is a a great restaurant, In this game, which is played in social science lessons, students focus on world politics, Mike Henderson, whose job is to stuy the brain, says that sleep can make us feel better the next day, This activity, which helps you to relax, also improves your brain's ability to solve problems,

Relative Clauses Gold Experience B1+

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