1) A body of water that is not as big as an ocean. a) lamp b) lake c) lemon d) lace 2) An insect that is red with black spots. a) ladybug b) llama c) leopard d) lion 3) Grows on a tree and is green.  a) leg b) leak c) less d) leaf 4) A type of candy that is on a stick. a) laffy taffy b) licorice c) lollipop d) lemon heads 5) A type of circular candy with a hole in the middle. a) lifesavers b) lemon drops c) laffy taffy d) lollipop 6) Made from fruit. Goes great with peanut butter. a) jello b) marshmallow c) tulip d) jelly 7) Holiday where we go trick or treating. a) calendar b) Halloween c) jack-o'-lantern d) skeleton 8) A person who flies an airplane. a) pilot b) sailor c) policeman d) mail man 9) A person who keeps us safe and has a badge. a) pilot b) sailor c) policeman d) mail man 10) You use this to dry your hands or body. a) doll b) towel c) ball d) muscle 11) The place children go to learn. a) school b) jail c) pool d) mall 12) Sport where you put a ball through a net. a) football b) golf c) baseball d) basketball

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