"You did it! You took the last cookie from the cookie jar!", "You did really well in the test. I’m proud of you, son.", "You’d better not go there. It’s dangerous.", "I’ll do it first thing tomorrow.", "You really should see a doctor. It might be something serious.", "Watch your mouth, dude. I will not be spoken to like that!", "Why don’t we go to the movies?", "I really must leave now.", "I won’t go in there. I hate caves.", "You’ve got the wrong guy. I didn’t kill her!", "Please, please, teacher, don’t tell my mom!", "Can’t you learn anything, man? You’ve made a terrible mistake. Again.", "I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening.", "Say that again and I’ll shoot you!", "Will you please, put the kettle on, hon?", "Let me carry those bags for you, ma’am.", "Yes, I did it. It was me who took the money.", "Jones might be the murderer. He was there at the scene.", "You really must read the Adrian Mole series. It’s hilarious.", "It’s all your fault! YOU wanted us to go there!", "Yeah, you are totally right. Let’s stay in tonight.", "What took you so long? I’ve been waiting for an hour!", "Good job, son! I knew you’d pass the test this time.", "Will you have dinner with me tonight?", "Don’t forget to feed the dog before you leave.", "Hey, watch out! It’s slippery in here. I’ve just mopped the floor.", "Kate, will you marry me?", "You’ve got goose bumps. Shall I get you a blanket?".

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