Aufbau Principle - Electron will fill orbitals in the increasing order of orbital energy level., Pauli Exclusion Principle - No two electrons in an atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers, Hund's Rule - Most stable arrangement of electrons in orbitals of a subshell is the one with the greatest number of parallel spins, Principal Quantum Numbers,(n) - An integer associated with the energy of an atomic electron in any one of its possible stationary states and including both the azimuthal and the radial quantum number, Angular Momentum Quantum Number,(l) - The quantum number associated with the angular momentum of an atomic electron and determines the shape of the electron's orbital., Magnetic Quantium Number,(m) - The energy levels available within a subshell and yields the projection of the orbital angular momentum along a specified axis., Electron Spin Quantum Numbers,(s) - The angular momentum of an electron. An electron spins around an axis and has both angular momentum and orbital angular momentum,

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