to do chores - ayudar en casa, to cook - cocinar, to listen to music - escuchar música, to be with friends - estar con amigos, to study - estudiar, to talk on the phone - hablar por teléfono, to text - textear, to go to school - ir a la escuela, to go to the movies - ir al cine, to read - leer, to swim - nadar, to skate - patinar, to practice/play sports - practicar deportes, to practice soccer - practicar fútbol, to practice football - practicar fútbol americano, to play the guitar - tocar la guitarra, to watch tv - ver la tele, to sleep - dormir, to shop - ir de compras, to write notes - escribir notas, to sing - cantar, to dance - bailar, to fish - pescar , to play with cats - jugar con gatos, to play with dogs - jugar con perros,


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