1) There ________ any English books in the shop, only French ones. a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't 2) All the shops ________ closed on Christmas Day. a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't 3) Why ________ Ann late for her lessons yesterday morning? a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't 4) My brother ________ the best player in the school football team last year. a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't 5) ________ you at the concert on Saturday? a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't 6) Is Peter ill? He ________ at work yesterday. a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't 7) They ________ in Egypt on holiday last summer. a) was b) were c) wasn't d) weren't

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