football: What would you do to improve the sport? Who's your favorite team?, What problems do we have today because of covid-19? , popular music: Who is making the best music right now? , crime: What are current crimes that are of concern? Which crimes do you think need to be better prosecuted and prevented?, fashion: How do people make statements about themselves with fashion? Whether on purpose or not.. , ice hockey: What are the best teams this year? , video games: What are some new video games.....can you predict which will become the most popular?, popular series and TV? What are the top shows right now?, the environment: Can you name some recent environmental disasters? Which type do you think can be managed better? , celebrity gossip: Is Kanye West going crazy? Who's in the news lately?, USA news: Do you follow news in English, or your native language? , Czech politics: What do you predict for the next year? , economics: What would you invest in these days?, censorship: What are some methods/forms of censorship? How can people find out information despite it?, What do you think about X? Do you think it will survive? , Who were some of the notable deaths this year? famous people..., What are the top movies right now? .

topics for current events discussion

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