1) Salah is the _____ pillar of Islam a) First b) Second c) Third 2) Prophet Muhammad(SalAllahu alaihi wa sallam) said ," When one of you prays, he ______ to his Lord."[Bukhaari]  a) Speaks b) Listens c) feels 3) Salah is a link between a worshipper and __________ a) Allah b) Prayer rug c) Prophet Muhammad 4) _________ is the first act of worship that a person will be questioned about on the Day of Judgement. a) Sawm b) Zakah c) Salah 5) When Salah is performed, Muslims give _________to Allah for all the blessings He has given them. a) Thanks b) words c) worries 6) Salah brings a believer ________ to Allah. a) Away b) Closer 7) ____________ is a sign that distinguishes between Muslims and disbelievers. a) Sawm b) Salah c) Hajj 8) Salah also helps a believer to __________ Allah. a) forget b) remember 9) Salah was made fard(obligatory) at the time of ___________ a) Hijrah b) Al Israa wal Miraaj c) First revelation

Salah and its virtues

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