Complementary Angles - Two angles when added together equal 90 degrees., Supplementary Angles - Two angles when added together equal 180 degrees., Vertical Angles - Two angles that are opposite of each other and equal the same thing., Alternate Interior - Two angles that are inside the parallel lines and on opposite sides of the transversal. These angles are also equal to each other., Alternate Exterior - Two angles that are on the outside of the parallel lines and on opposite sides of the transversal. These angles are also equal to each other., Same side Interior - Two angles that are on the same side of the transversal and inside the parallel lines. These angles will add up to 180 degrees., Transversal - The line that intersects both parallel lines, Parallel Lines - Lines that continue on in both directions and will never intersect. , Corresponding Angles - Two angles that occupy the same position on different parts of the transversal.,

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