1) My mother didn't ___________ to work, but now she does. a) used to walk b) use to walk c) used to walked 2) Did you __________________ blond hair? a) use to have b) used to have c) used to had 3) We ________________, but now we're ordering our meals. a) use to cooked b) used to cooked c) used to cook 4) When she was young, she _____________ out a lot. Now, she prefers to stay in. a) used to went b) goes c) used to go 5) Did we ______________ the cooker off? I don't remember.  a) switched b) switch c) used to switch 6) I didn't ____________ Spanish at school. a) study b) studied c) used to study 7) My father ____________ , but now he doesn't.  a) use to smoke b) used to smoke c) used to smoked 8) Did you ___________ the bird? a) see b) saw c) use to see 9) My mother ___________ poems when she was young.  a) used to write b) used to wrote c) writed 10) She _________ her earrings last night. a) used to lose b) lost c) losed 11) They __________ early this morning, and now they're late for work. a) didn't use to get up b) didn't get up c) used to get up 12) My friend __________ to Canada last week. a) used to fly b) flew c) flyed 13) My brother didn't _____________ in the first class, but now he's rich and he does. a) flew b) used to fly c) use to fly 14) They _____________ camping when they were kids. a) used to go b) used to went c) use to go 15) Why did you ___________ so late? a) arrive b) arrived c) used to arrive

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