Nikola Tesla (July 10, 1856-January 7, 1943) was an important inventor and physicist. He ____ (be) born in Smiljan. He ____ (want) to be an engineer. He ____ (study) a lot and ____ (learn) many languages to read more about engineering. In 1884, he ____ (move to) the USA and worked with Thomas Edison. One year later, he ____ (start) to work on Alternating Current (AC). It could light the bulbs better. In 1890, he ____ (produce) electricity from Niagara Falls. Then, he ____ (become) a USA citizen. At the same year, he ____ (patent) Tesla Coil (wireless electricity). Actually, he ____ (get) more than 250 patents (AC electric motor, transformer, etc.). He ____ (work) the first remote controller, fluorescents, neon lamps, X-ray, radio waves, radar systems, etc. Nikola Tesla ____ (change) the history of electricity. But unfortunately, he ____ (die) in a hotel room alone, at the age of 86.

7. Sınıf 3. Ünite Biographies (Simple Past Tense)

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