1) What a pretty ______ to see! a) site b) sigt c) sight d) syte 2) He wore a _________ jeweled crown a) beatiful b) beautiful c) beutiful 3) So, preparations moved forward to drive the lion ________ the kingdom. a) through b) threw c) throo 4) They began to practice making ______ bows. a) there b) they're c) their 5) The frog began to break out into a tho_sand tears. a) s b) u c) o 6) Look clos__y! a) el b) le c) ll 7) The king leaned toward the frog to be _____ he was honoring him. a) shure b) shore c) sure 8) Write an inter_sting tale...... a) e b) s c) i 9) Is ______ a lesson to be learned here? a) their b) there c) they're 10) He was dressed in a ______ robe with a long _______. a) fresh, train b) fancy, traine c) gorgeous, trene

Spelling Practice November 26


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