primarily - (adv) firstly, consume - (v) to eat, drink or use something, data - (n) information, innovative - (adj) new and better, brainstorm - (v) to think of new ideas about a topic usually as a group, employee - (v) a person who is working at a place, participant - (n) people taking part in an activity, loyal - (adj) faithful to a cause, ideal, custom, institution, or product, modify - (v) to change, do something differently, intelligence - (n) the ability to learn, understand and think in a logical way, identify - (v) to discover, exploration - (n) the act of traveling through a place in order to find out about it or look for something in it), diverse - (adj) very different from each other, bravery - (n) showing courage, fearlessness, observe - (v) to watch, make a scientific observation, purchase - (v) to buy, survive - (v) to continue to live or exist, gather - (v) to collect, judgment - (n) an opinion, conclusion or belief based on a situation, plant - (n) a living thing that grows in the earth,

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