Lucho and Eva lived in a town called Santa Marta, Mr. Parra was the history teacher. , Pablo Silva was every teacher's favorite student, Lucho and Eva met in the library, Mr. Parra asked Lucho about Guaca because he thought Lucho was not paying attention. , The American man gave the pendant to Lucho's grandma. , Lucho's grandma worked in an expensive hotel near the port. , Esmeralda was Lucho's grandma, Esmeralda kept the pendant because the American man never came back. , Lucho kept the pendant inside a blue bag. , Lucho had the pendant in his pocket, The Kogi were a tribe of people who lived in Sierra Nevada. , A few words appeared on Lucho's mind map mysteriously , Big red letters appeared on the computer screen. , Eva got angry with Lucho because she thought he was lying. .

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