1) The students _______ their plan to have a party for their teacher’s birthday. a) Got rid of b) Carried out c) got better 2) The coach had the ______ to get his team to play better. a) Possibility b) Ability c) Charity 3) She is a(n)_______ at a charity that gives clothes to young people. a) Volunteer b) Realistic c) Optimistic 4) They haven’t got any children, but they are hoping to ______ a baby. a) Explain b) Endanger c) Adopt 5) People who eat a lot of sweet foods ________ on weight. a) put b) Take c) Run 6) I’ve got a great _______ for people who work hard and succeed at what they do. a) Admirable b) Admiration c) Admire 7) If ______, can you call me later? a) Possibility b) Impossible c) Possible 8) The are college encourages students to develop their _______ a) Possibility b) Explanation c) Creativity

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