It is an animal living in the sea. It is dangerous. - A whale, This animal has wings, but cannot fly. It can run fast. - An ostrich, This animal can run faster than other animals. It has stripes on its body - A cheetah, This animal is cute and it is endangered. It eats bamboo. - A panda, This animal has whiskers and paws. It is domesticated.  - A cat, This animal is cold-blooded and can be poisonous. It is a reptile. - A snake, This animal has fangs and scales. It has a big mouth. It is dangerous. - A crocodile, It can fly. It has huge wings and sharp eyes. - An eagle, It has a pouch for its baby. It can jump. It is a herbivore. - A kangaroo, This animal lives in the desert. It has a hump on its back. - A camel, It has a long beak and it has wings. It can fly. - A stork, This animal is enermous. People kill them for their tusks. - An elephant, It can change its color. It is a reptile. - A chamelon, Tthis animal can walk and swim. It has wings but it cannot fly. - A penguin, This animal is dangerous. It has claws and fur. It can stand on its rear legs. - A bear, It is a herbivore. It gives milk. Its baby feeds on milk. It is a mammal. - A cow, It is a carnivore. It has a mane. It is known as "the king of the forest".  - A lion, It is a carnivore. It is larger than a cheetah. It has fangs. - A tiger, It is a herbivore. It has a long neck. It has spots on its body. - A giraffe, This is a herbivore. It has white and black stripes on its body. - A zebra, This animal is a reptile. It has a shell. It is a slow-moving land animal. - A tortoise,

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