1) This item uses the SUN as its energy source: a) car b) flower c) rock 2) This item uses ELECTRICITY as its energy source: a) dog b) flower c) iron 3) This item uses BATTERIES as its source of energy: a) bike b) toy racecar c) hammer 4) This item uses the WIND as its source of energy: a) tree b) sailboat c) dog 5) This item uses PEOPLE ENERGY to make it work: a) hammer b) tree c) blender 6) This item uses ELECTRICITY to make it work: a) computer b) car c) kite 7) This item uses GASOLINE to make it work: a) wagon b) bike c) plane 8) This item uses PEOPLE ENERGY to make it work: a) dog b) flower c) pen 9) This item uses the WIND to make it work: a) boat b) bike c) kite 10) This item uses THE SUN to make it work: a) string light b) stove c) microwave

What is the energy source?

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