to fling yourself into sth - to start doing something with a lot of energy, Merchant Navy - commercial shipping i.e. tankers, bulk carriers, ferries, cruise ships, tongue-tied - not able to speak because you are shy or nervous (косноязычный, молчащий), a grounding in - a training in the basic parts of a subject or skill, to advocate - to publicly support a particular policy or way of doing things, bumble-bee - a large hairy bee (шмель), fraught with problems - full of problems, as it is - already; in the present condition (и так; и без того), to grow out of sth - if someone ----s --- -- sth, they stop doing it as they get older SYN outgrow, brainwave - a sudden clever idea, imminent - an event that is -------, especially an unpleasant one, will happen very soon (надвигающийся, нависший, неминуемый, неизбежный (об опасности, угрозе и т. п.), haphazard - (adj) by chance, not planned, lacking order syn: random, accidental (случайный, бессистемный, хаотичный), anticipation - a feeling of excitement about sth enjoyable that is going to happen soon (предвосхищение; предвкушение), to apply yourself - to work hard at something (Stephen would do well if only he -----ied himself.), to dodge - to move quickly to avoid someone or something, current - a continuous movement of water in a river, lake, or sea, to wag - if a dog ---s its tail, or if its tail ---s, the dog moves its tail many times from one side to the other,

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