1) changeover : a) to look at the similarity or difference b) change of baton from one person to another c) to take part in a contest 2) compare: a) ability to use different parts of the body b) to make better c) to look at the similarity or difference between two things 3) improve: a) to take part in a contest b) athletic events that have a throw or a jump c) to make better 4) compete: to take part in a contest a) true b) false 5) co-ordination: ability to use different parts of the body at the same time a) false b) true 6) speed: a) athletic events that are on a running track b) to write something down so that it can be used or c) how fast someone can move over a distance 7) track event: a) athletic events that are on a running track b) how fast someone can move over a distance c) to write something down so that it can be used or 8) pacing: a) to move at a steady speed b) athletic events that have a throw or a jump c) physical strength and force used by someone 9) power: a) ability to use different parts of the body  b) to make better c) to take part in a contest d) physical strength and force used by someone

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