where / you / come / from?, what / you / do / at work (or university) / at the moment?, you / usually / enjoy / your work (or studies)?, you / take / any other courses / at the moment?, you / study / for any exams?, where / you / usually / go / on holiday?, How often / you / read?, What / you / read / at the moment?, you / study English / at the weekends?, you / study any other languages / at the moment?, you / listen to / music / right now?, What / type of music / you / usually / listen to?, usually / listen to, have / you / a lot of free time?, have / you / a good time / at the moment?, What / you / usually / wear for special occasions?, What / you / wear /at the moment?, you / work / at the moment?, What time / people / usually / finish work in your country?, How often / watch / fi lms in English?, What / TV programmes / watch / at the moment?, you / do any sport / at the moment?, What sport / you / usually / do / in the summer?, you / sometimes / learn new / words in your own language?, you / sleep well / at the moment?, How many hours a night / you / usually / sleep?.

Roadmap B1 - 1A Present Simple & Present Continuous Speaking Prompts

Bảng xếp hạng

Thẻ bài ngẫu nhiên là một mẫu kết thúc mở. Mẫu này không tạo điểm số cho bảng xếp hạng.

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