Bangkok is the capital of the Thailand. - Bangkok is the capital of Thailand., We wear a uniform to the school. - We wear a uniform to school., Do monkeys eat an apples? - Do monkeys eat apples?, She has the new plants in the garden. - She has new plants in the garden., She buys a shoes once a year. - She buys shoes once a year., He buys an oranges and a pineapple. - He buys oranges and a pineapple., You sometimes need a visa to visit the foreign countries. - You sometimes need a visa to visit foreign countries., I'm going to the shopping centre. I need a new clothes. - I'm going to the shopping centre. I need new clothes., When I was a child, I didn't like the rice. - When I was a child, I didn't like rice., He usually reads the newspapers in the afternoon. - He usually reads newspapers in the afternoon.,

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