1) Jean ________ to school every day. a) to walk b) walk c) walks 2) I _______ like this food. a) don't b) doesn't c) not 3) We ______ near the park. a) to live b) live c) lives 4) My dog ____ in the kitchen. a) to eat b) eat c) eats 5) _____ your brother sleep here? a) Do b) Does c) Is 6) My dad _____ at home. a) to work b) work c) works 7) ____ you ____ TV with your family? a) Do ___ watch b) Does ___ watch c) Are ____ watch 8) He _____ English very well. a) not to speak b) doesn't speaks c) doesn't speak 9) She _____ PE lessons on Fridays. a) don't have b) doesn't have c) doesn't has

Unit 01 Grammar Present Simple A2

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