El año pasado​ - Last year, El verano pasado​ - Last summer, Fui a - I went to, Fuimos a - We went to, Fui con​ - I went with, Fuimos con​ - We went with, Fui en​ - I went by, Fuimos en - We went by, Escocia - Scotland, Italia - Italy, España - Spain, Francia - France, Grecia - Greece, mi familia​ - my family, mi clase​ - my class, mis amigos​ - my friends, mis padres​ - my parents, avión - plane, coche - car, tren - train, autocar - coach, barco - boat, fuiste a - you went to , fue a - he/she went to , fueron a - they went to , ¿adónde fuiste? - Where did you go?, ¿con quién fuiste? - Who did you go with?, ¿Cómo fuiste? - How did you travel?, fuimos a la playa - we went to the beach, fui al cine - I went to the movies,

Adonde fuiste de vacaciones

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