1) I watched TV a) So do I b) So did I c) Neither did I 2) I am not a bad driver a) So am I b) Neither am I c) So I am 3) I will travel to London a) So will I b) Neither will I c) So I will 4) He can drive a car. a) Neither can I b) So can I c) So I can 5) She hasn't got a brother. a) So has he b) Neither he has c) Neither has he 6) We have already bought a new car. a) So have they. b) Neither have they c) So did they. 7) We were readind a book at 7.00 a) Neither was I b) So were I c) So was I 8) I read books every evening. a) So reads Kate b) So do Kate c) So does Kate 9) We don't cook fish a) So doesn't Tom b) So does Tom c) Neither dpes Tom. 10) She isn't tired. a) So am I b) Neither am I c) Nether I am

So & Neither


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