osmosis - the diffusion of water through a membrane, equilibrium - the state a substance is in when the concentration is the same on both sides of a cell membrane, transport proteins - proteins that assist with the transport of molecules through a cell menbrane, semipermeable - allows only certain substances to enter or leave the cell, passive transport - the movement of substances through a cell membrane without using the cell's energy, diffusion - the movement of substances from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration, active transport - the movement of substances through a cell membrane by using the cell's energy, exocytosis - the process during which a cell's vesicles release their contents outside the cell, endocytosis - the process during which a cell takes in a substance by surrounding it with the cell membrane, passive - type of transport that involves substances moving from areas of higher to areas of lower concentration, active - type of cell transport that involves substances moving from areas of lower to areas of higher concentration,

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