drama - real life situations, tragedies, action - films with high energy, stunts and quite a few fights, romcom - a funny movie about a love story that ends happily, science fiction - a story about the future, especially related to space exploration, documentary - a film that gives facts and information about something, war - the plot is mainly based around a conflict between 2 countries or 2 groups and is usually set on land, in the air or at sea, adventure - exciting and often follow a search or an expedition to find something, musical - In these films words are often sung rather than spoken, horror - a story in which very scary and unnatural things happen, comedy - a funny film, usually with a happy ending., romantic - A love story, historical - Often set in the past. It usually describes a historical figure or event., animation - a film in which drawings of people and animals move, anime - a Japanese animation, fantasy - a story that describes situations that are very different from real life, usually magic events, western - Plenty of action in the Wild West. The lives of cowboys, sheriffs and sometimes Native Americans., thriller - A film with lots of suspense, psychological games and mystery.,

PET Film Genres

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