Ferrous - A metal which contains iron, Non-ferrous - A metal which does not contain iron, Aluminium - An excellent thermal conductor which is lightweight, Copper - A very good electrical conductor which is ductile, Plastic - Lightweight material which can be coloured and moulded into shape, Lead - A heavy, corrosion resistant material, Mild steel - A low carbon steel which is malleable, Malleable - A metal or other material which can be hammered or pressed into shape without breaking or cracking is said to be..., Ductile - A metal or other material which is able to be drawn out into a thin wire is said to be..., Hardness - The ability of a material to resist deformation, Toughness - The ability of a material to absorb energy and plastically deform without fracturing, Conductivity - The measure of the ease at which an electric charge or heat can pass through a material, Strength - The general ability of a material to withstand an applied force, Brittle - A metal or other material that has a tendency to break easily or suddenly without any extension first is said to be...., Plasticity - A material which deforms permanently when small forces are applied, Compressive strength - The ability to withstand pushing or squeezing forces, Tensile strength - The ability to withstand pulling or stretching forces, Elasticity - The ability of a material to return to its original form after a load has been applied and removed., Corrosion resistance - The ability to withstand environmental attack and decay, Magnetic - Ferrous metals are generally able to be attracted by a magnet., Brass - A material which is corrosion resistant and a good conductor of heat, an alloy of copper and zinc, Bronze - An alloy of copper and tin, has a low friction coefficient and is ductile but brittle,

Materials used in vehicle manufacture

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