The goal is increased factual knowledge and skilldevelopment - The goal is increased conceptual understanding supported by factual knowledge and skills, and thetransfer of understanding across global contexts, Teacher relies heavily on lecture to disseminatefactual knowledge - Teacher facilitates student inquiry into important interdisciplinary and disciplinary topics and issuesusing one or two key concepts as the conceptualdraw, Instruction and learning experiences focus on factual examples and definitions of concepts with assumed conceptual understanding - Instruction and learning experiences utilize concepts along with factual content to ensuresynergistic thinking. Teacher deliberately usesconcepts to help students transcend the facts, Teacher posts objectives for each lesson as required - Teacher posts questions of different kinds (factual, conceptual, debatable) to engage interest and tofacilitate synergistic thinking, Students face the teacher in straight rows to ensure order and attention to the teacher’sinstruction - Students often work in groups to facilitate shared social inquiry, collaboration, synergistic thinkingand problem-solving. Students may workindependently, in pairs or groups, or across globalcontexts using the internet or other communicationtools, Teacher verbally summarizes the learning related to the objectives at the close of the lesson - Teacher uses inductive teaching to draw the statement of conceptual understanding fromstudents near the end of a lesson and posts thecentral or suggested supporting ideas for laterconnections to future topics in the curriculum.Students support their understanding withaccurate facts as evidence of quality synergisticthinking, Assessments measure factual knowledge andskills - Assessments of conceptual understanding tieback to a central (or supporting idea) byincorporating specific language from the idea inthe task expectations, Teacher focuses on covering the required curriculum - Teacher focuses on student thinking and understanding. He/she is cognizant of eachstudent’s ability to think synergistically,

Concept-based teaching practices

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