1) I ...................................... (sell) my old computer. a) have sold b) has sold c) have selled d) has selled 2) The children ............................................... their homework. a) have played b) has done c) have done d) have listened 3) It ............................... (be) a really good day. a) have been b) has was c) has were d) has been 4) .......................................(you / find) any information for our project? a) Have you finded b) Have you find c) Have you found d) Has you found 5) Hi Tom. ............................(you/see) my new video on my website? a) Have you seed b) Has you seen c) Have you saw d) Have you seen 6) I have known Tom .................... 10 years a) for b) since c) just 7) (Czy kiedykolwiek) ..................................... been to England? a) Have you never b) Have you just c) Have you ever d) Have you yet 8) We .............................(nie zjedliśmy) our breakfast yet. a) haven't eaten b) haven't ate c) hasn't eaten d) have eaten 9) (Czy ona kupiła) ......................................... a new house ? a) Have she bought b) Has he bought c) Has she bought 10) Have you installed a new app? a) Yes, I have b) No, I have c) Yes, you have d) No, you haven't

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