1) What is the greatest invention ever? 2) What does ‘necessity is the mother of invention’ mean? Do you agree with it? 3) What is the world’s most useless invention? 4) Do you think the person who invented the atomic bomb was happy with his discovery? 5) What is the world’s most dangerous invention? 6) What modern invention can you easily live without? Why? 7) What modern inventions do you want to have at home? 8) what are the 3 greatest inventions of all time? 9) What could never be replaced by technology? why? 10) How does technology impact on education? 11) Does computer save time or do they make us waste more time?  12) What do you want to see invented in the future? 13) Which modern invention you can not live without? 14) Does technology ever get on your nervous? Give the example 15) What inventions do you want to be improved? in what way? 16) What kind of invention can make the most money in today's world? Weapons, transportation, computer technology, fashion, etc.

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