1) Finding Nemo and Toy story are two examples of ………. Films. a) Documentary b) Animated c) Defects 2) This is a ………… about the life of animals in jungle. a) Documentary b) Capture c) Untimely 3) The Nobel Prize is the most …….. award a scientist can win. a) Exotic b) Conspiracy c) Prestigious 4) Not easy to believe: a) hard to swallow b) Just c) Fall asleep 5) Fall asleep: a) A dim a dozen b) Just c) Doze off 6) Her face hadn’t …….. much over the years. a) Animated b) Altered c) Exotic 7) He avidly collected …….. , fast car. a) Animated b) Defects c) Exotic 8) Price will be a .…… factor in the success of this new product. a) Crucial b) Exotic c) Ironically 

unit4 vocabulary

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