To have a dog is .................. than to have a cat, but it is ...... than a dog. (difficult, friendly). - more difficult, friendlier, A flat is ..... than a house (bad, comfortable). - worse, less comfortable, This is .................... building in the world (high, popular). - the highest, the most popular, Summer is ....................... time of year (good, hot). - the best, the hottest, Ferrari is ................... than Mazda (expensive, fast). - more expensive and faster, Cheetah is ................. animal of all and ...... than tiger (fast, light). - the fastest, lighter, Cars are ............... than motorbikes (heavy, dangerous). - heavier, more dangerous, Rucksack is ...... bag of all, but ....... than a handbag. (comfortable, big). - the most comfortable, bigger,

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