What is the first pillar of faith? - Allah, What is the second pillar of faith? - Angel, What is the third pillar of faith? - Holy book, What is the fourth pillar of faith? - Messanger, What is the fifth pillar of faith? - Judgment day, What is the sixth pillar of faith? - Qada' Qadar, How is implementation the first pillar - Believing that Allah has no children and no parents, How is implementation the second pillar - believe that our every action is recorded, How is implementation the third pillar - believes that taurat, zabur, injil and Quran are God's revelations, How is implementation the fourth pillar - believe that Allah has messengers to convey the truth, How is implementation the fifth pillar - believes that the world will end, How is implementation the sixth pillar - believe that everything that happens is from God,

Pillars of Faith


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