1) Look at this picture. It is a ... a) school b) supermarket c) hotel 2) What are these? These are ... a) an oranges b) three orange c) three oranges 3) My sister takes ... apple for me. a) an b) a c) two 4) I buy oil in a grocery. a) b) c) 5) What fruit is this? This is a ... a) mango b) pineapple c) pear 6) Which thing begins with "Z" sound? a) b) c) 7) Which thing begins with "S" sound? a) b) c) 8) Would you like a chicken? a) Good bye. b) Yes, please. c) You are welcome. 9) Which is the correct sentence? a) There are two biscuit. b) There are two biscuits. c) There are three biscuits. 10) Jenny wants to make burger. She needs to buy ... a) rice b) orange c) meat

Science Review-Unit 8.Let's Go Shopping

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