1) recall, retain, memory a) еске түсіру, сақтау, есте сақтау b) сақтау, есте сақтау, еске түсіру c) есте сақтау, сақтау, білу 2) how to improve your memory a) think creatively, word association, practice b) chunking, location, listening c) word association, chunking, location 3) How do we form the third conditional? a) If + present simple, would +have b) If +past perfect, would + have+ past participle c) If +past perfect, will + have+ past participle 4) How much does the brain weigh? a) 1 kg b) 1.5 kg c) 1.4 kg 5) Which hemisphere of the brain do you think controls: logic? detail? a) left b) right c) both 6) Where was H.G.Wells born? a) in London b) In Brom c) In Bromley 7) What did H.G.Wells do before became a writer? a) doctor b) shop assistant c) teacher 8) We can learn so much more about the brain, can`t we? a) yes/no questions b) Tag-questions c) Wh-questions 9) Spatial intelligence refers to... a) communicating well b) singing, playing c) visualising space in mind 10) Who is the founder of theory of intelligence? a) H.Gard b) G.Howard c) H.Gardner 11) Who wrote War Of the Worlds? a) G.Wells b) F.Marks c) J.London 12) What are relative clauses? a) A relative clause is one that’s connected to the main clause of the sentence by a word such as who, whom, which, that, or whose. b) A relative clause is one that’s connected to the main clause of the sentence by a word such as what, where c) A relative clause is one that’s connected to the word of the sentence by a word 13) Who is this man? a) H. Wells b) O.Welles c) O.Brad

Revision unit6, grade 10 action


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