Peer-to-peer (P2P): Files accessible from other users might be posted illegally., Files available for download could contain malware., File sharing uses network bandwidth and could consume so much bandwidth that regular traffic is affected., Weaknesses in software could allow attackers to access more than just the files shared on a system., Use content filters to block downloading and uploading copyrighted files that the file owners do not want to be shared., Block the port the software is using., Enable encryption in the program., Instant messaging (IM): Use of networking makes clients less secure than other communication methods., is either in cleartext or uses an easily broken basic encryption scheme to protect integrity rather than confidentiality. Is subject to sniffing, capturing, and viewing by others., Loss of productivity is considered a major problem., Malicious code propagation, worms, and viruses are easily spread through it., May contain spim, which is a type of spam targeting users of this services., contain user directories, making it easy to identify spim targets., contain demographic information about users., Information in contact lists can be remotely accessed., Client-side scripting allows attackers to send messages on behalf of other users and can be used to create social engineering attacks., clients often indicate when you are online, even without your consent. Software, especially free software with ads, may track your use for marketing purposes., Create a whitelist or use an blocker as a countermeasure to spim.,

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