Mass of an electron in kg - 9.11x10[-31], Mass of proton in kg - 1.67(3)x10[-27], Mass of Neutron in kg - 1.67(5)x10[-27], Specific charge of a Oxygen 17 nucleus - 4.51x10[7], Charge of the electron in C - -1.6x10[-19], Charge of the proton in C - +1.6x10[-19], Charge of the neutron in C - 0, What nucleus is produced when Uranium 238 alpha decays then decays by beta twice? - Uranium 234, Charge of an alpha particle in C - +3.2x10[-19], Charge of a Beta particle in C - -1.6x10[-19], Charge of a gamma photon - 0, Why does beta decay release a anti-neutrino? - To carry away excess energy from the decay process, Mass of an alpha particle in kg - 6.68x10[-27], Mass of an beta particle in kg - 9.11x10[-31], Mass of a neutrino in kg - 0, What is the change in specific charge when uranium 238 alpha decays? - 1.86x10[5] C/kg,

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