1) Gina _____________ in the park yesterday. a) walks b) is walking c) walked 2) Jake _______________ pizza last night. a) ate b) is eating c) eats 3) Amy ______________ to the cinema to see the new Batman movie last weekend. a) goes b) went c) is going 4) Rosa _______________ home last night because she stayed at her uncle's house. a) doesn't come b) isn't coming c) didn't come 5) I ______________ last weekend because it was very cold. a) didn't swim b) am not swimming c) don't swim 6) I forgot my brother's birthday so I ________________ a present for him. He was really sad. a) don't buy b) am not buying c) didn't buy 7) We ______________ lots of milk to grow up when we were kids.  a) drink b) drank c) are drinking 8) My mother ___________________ to work this morning because her car was at the mechanic. She took the metro. a) isn't driving b) doesn't drive c) didn't drive 9) We ______________ about important women's biographies in class last week. a) wrote b) write c) are writing 10) I _____________ so tired yesterday that I went to bed early. a) was b) were c) am 11) Charles ______________ in the park yesterday afternoon. a) are b) were c) was 12) Kate and her family ____________ at the restaurant an hour ago. a) are b) was c) were 13) They _______________ in Italy last winter and they went to Spain. a) wasn't b) weren't c) aren't 14) It ___________ sunny yesterday so we went outside.  a) was b) were c) is

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